Irish Wind
Empowering the Future


Lir Offshore Array is a renewable energy development off the East coast of Ireland.

We are a forward-thinking Irish collective dedicated to the development of the offshore wind potential of our Island.

The renowned force of our westerly winds provides us with an effective renewable energy source and our aim is to capture this power and bring it home to you.

By supporting Lir Offshore Array, an Irish owned project, we can reduce our reliance on fossil fuel and create a clean, renewable and resilient energy resource to support Irish growth, in turn improving the environment and creating a better world for future generations.

The Project

Lir Offshore Array is preparing to investigate the feasibility of developing an Offshore Windfarm off the coast of Louth/Meath/Dublin. To carry out the necessary survey work, Lir Offshore Array has submitted a Foreshore Investigatory Licence Application and supporting documentation to the Marine Planning and Foreshore Section of the Department of Housing, Planning and Local Government. This licence, if granted, will last for 5 years.

About the Overall Project

The Lir Offshore Array Project contains floating wind turbines located off the east coast of Ireland, predominantly off the coast of counties Louth and Meath. The project consists of potential development areas located within the 12NM limit and outside, resulting in two phases of development. The size of the proposed developments within 12 NM is c.122.34 km2. The size of future development sites, outside 12 NM will be c.395 km2. The overall size of the Lir Turbine Array is expected to be c. 517.57 km2.

Offshore Array team

Planning Stage

This project is currently in the planning stages and is, therefore, subject to change. The application for a Foreshore Investigatory Licence is not a development application. If granted, this licence will allow the project team to further refine the site choice and to carry out surveys considered necessary to properly assess the viability of the project across a spectrum of technical, environmental, social and economic factors.

The extent of the total area (“the investigation area”) within which surveys are to be conducted is 1,162.26 km2.  This area is appropriately described as the “investigation area” because it is the area within which Lir Offshore Array seeks to conduct all investigations appropriate for developing a wind farm proposal.  The investigation area is not to be taken to be, or to represent, any actual wind farm site, and it must be understood that no structural development of any nature will take place at this stage of the Project.